The first update comes from 'Troch' at Ruby Lake:
"Losing the Battle"
It was with a heavy heart that I started up the road to Ambrose Lake with the sound of chain saws ringing in my ears. A pair of ravens perched in trees at the corner of Timberline and Cedarridge appeared to be as disconcerted as I was. My fears were confirmed as I walked up the road. Tsain-Ko is proceeding with their plans to "harvest" the cutblock at the north end of Ruby Lake.

For those of us who live in the area, the implications await. Bird, amphibian and other wildlife populations will be immediately impacted with the loss of valuable habitat. Anyone getting their drinking water from the north end of Ruby Lake now lives with the threat of changes to water quality, as the marked cutblock extends well down the slope to Ruby Lake. Timberline Road will continue to decay under the strain of loaded trucks. Our air is fouled with the noise and smell of the destruction, carefully orchestrated so as not to involve the summer tourist season - don't want the rest of the world to notice our shame until its too late.

Mature forest is becoming a rarity on the Sunshine Coast. Government sanctioned "management" consists of turning as many trees as possible into nearly worthless lumber as quickly as possible. Safe, clean drinking water is not a right of any resident and the current commitment to global warming can't see the forest for the dollar signs.
I weep with the earth.
(for pre-forest management pics, click on 'Ruby Lake' in the postings column to the right)
(for pre-forest management pics, click on 'Ruby Lake' in the postings column to the right)
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