Thursday, January 24, 2008

BC Timber Sales & Sakinaw Lake

The Friends of Egmont owes a big apology to the folks at Sakinaw Lake. News of a proposed cutblock for the area came just as we were running out of stream and we didn't get their story up on this blog. We will now make amends for this oversight.

When news first broke of this proposed cut, the property owners quickly organized and set up a great website. That site is now listed in the 'Sites Worth Visiting' column on the right (see: BBSA - Sakinaw Lake). It will supply you with all the background information.

Here is the latest word from Sakinaw:

Hi Everyone,

We are a couple months away now from the auctioning of the cut-block of in Bear Bay Forest to the logging companies. We were hoping that we have saved the forest and the Interpretive trail by this time however some progress has been made.

Guided Tours---
The weekly guided tours have been happening every Saturday at 2pm since October. Thanks to Carole Logtenberg, Tia Mclennan, John Dafoe, Anne Harmer and John Field for leading the tours! We've had a positive turn out throughout the weeks that included groups like the Pender Harbour Scouts and our MP Blair Wilson.

Cut Block Dimensions---
The latest cut-block map sent to us by BC Timber Sales has seen a decrease in the cut block size from 89 to 55 acres see map: Although we are encouraged by it's reduction and the saving of the Steam Donkey the new cut block dimensions still threaten the Coho Salmon in Mixal creek, it still destroys most of the Interpretive Trail, the same amount of Old-Forest ecosystem is being cut, the Red-Legged frog
habitat in the Riparian areas are still threatened, and visual impacts from Mixal Lk and Pender Hill continue to exist.

Pender Harbour Chamber of Commerce---
Based on the overwhelming positive response from people who have hiked the trail, Pender Harbour definitely has some going for it from an eco-tourism industry perspective that will help local businesses year after year if the Forest is saved. I have contacted the Chamber of Commerce and requested a meeting to discuss the natural assets of the community and how to properly market them. I hope to have a meeting with them in February or March.

Bear Bay Forest Video---
The music licensing rights have finally been granted to the BBSA to allow the public showing of the video on Coast Cable. Coast Cable has received the video and are anxious to get the video aired. The video is now available on the Internet (YouTube) and can be viewed from our website at Please check it out! DVD copies are also being sent out to key individuals.

More still needs to be done---
We need more letters to be written. If you haven't already - please visit the Take Action! page of our website to send out letters to the mentioned individuals
Letters to the editors are very effective as well. Donations allow us to put ads in the newspapers. YOUR IDEAS on how we can save the forest our most welcome! Please send me an email on your thoughts.

Thank you everyone - Be sure to check out the Bear Bay Forest video at


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