There was a great turnout at the May23rd Tsain-Ko Information Meeting. Approximately 75 area residents arrived to learn how the logging company plans to enact its five year plan for our area. Tsain-Ko says, "No" to any thought of pursuing a sustainable logging approach along the lines of Vanvouver Island's Merve Wilkinson and, therefore, the community says
"NO" to Tsain-Ko's FSP.
As you can see, pictures can be posted to the blog and we are putting out a call to one and all for pictures both historical and recent showing the proposed logging areas. They can be delivered to any member of the FOE Blog Team and will be returned safely to you.
We live near the proposed Ruby Lake cutblock - first saw the flagging Feb 17 and immediately started the process of finding out what was going on. It took a month and a lot of phone calls/emails including finally to our MLA to identify who was planning the logging.
Since then we have toured the cutblock with the forester of note (Warren Hansen) but found that our concerns about the watershed have been met with platitudes about not being like other companies. We are still of the belief that removing trees from the watershed can only have a detrimental effect.
Mary R. Burgoyne & Laurie L. Jensen
Great to hear from you, Mary. However, your comments come as no surprise. We have the opportunity to draw worldwide attention to the attack on the watersheds of the Sunshine Coast and we will do so. Unlike the watersheds of Wilson and Chapman Creeks, ours have not yet been touched. Let us all work together to keep it so!!
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