Four of us headed down to Sechelt today to offer our support for the citizens at that end of the coast who are protesting CNI's logging on their Chapman Creek watershed. We met up at the end of Field Road and I arrived just ahead of the police. They, apparently, wished to make sure we behaved ourselves and, most importantly not impede the flow of traffic on Field Road and Highway 101.

Organizers were extremely happy with the turnout and expressed their gratitude for support from Egmont. We all made our way down Field Rd and then divided and positioned ourselves at the four corners of Field and the Highway. We asked for a show of support from the passing motorists and a great many obliged; the noisiest being BCHydro workers. Way to go, guys!

I thought this demonstration would offer a good opportunity to get our own message across down at that end of the peninsula and made some small cloth banners that we could pin to our shirts both front and back. The message on the front read
"Egmont says NO to Tsain-Ko." The message on the back read
"NO Clearcuts on Egmont's Watershed." We also took our petitions and petition cards and passed them around to those attending the demonstration. There were many there who were not aware of the logging threat we face. Well, they know now and we have asked them to spread the word and show their support for us. We also invited them to attend the June 4 meeting at our Community Hall.
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