Monday, July 30, 2007
7:00 pm
Egmont Heritage Centre
(on the deck)
7:00 pm
Egmont Heritage Centre
(on the deck)
Friends Of Egmont (FOE) has been busy speaking out at watershed meetings and working with the Sunshine Coast Regional District (SCRD).
On May 29th, four FOE members joined 50 protesters in a rally that took place in downtown Sechelt and then moved outside the SCRD offices.
On June 11th, five FOE members represented Egmont at a meeting of 350 people in Robert's Creek where the community at large decided that it was time to take the Provincial government to court to stop them from granting permits to log in our watersheds.
On June 12th, ten FOE members participated in an SCRD committee meeting where the following 3 resolutions were adopted:
1. That the SCRD work on a way to place a moratorium on all clear-cut logging on the Ruby Lake, North Lake and Waugh Lake watersheds.
2. That the SCRD work with the Sechelt Indian Band (SIB) to extend the Chapman Creek Watershed Agreement to protect all other coastal watersheds (including ours!).
3. That the SCRD work to establish permanent watershed reserves on lakes such as Ruby Lake and Waugh Lake.
On June 18th, 35 people attended a presentation at the community hall to hear about Three Points Properties' plans to find parking in Egmont to serve a new development across the narrows, as well as their future logging plans.
On July 5th, FOE hosted at the Egmont Community Hall, an Eco-Forestry presentation by Jay Rastogi, site manager for Wildwood, the oldest eco-forest on the west coast of North America.
On July 23 & 24th, FOE participated in the new Local Health Board (LHB) meetings at the SCRD offices in Sechelt. The SCRD has taken on the role of a LHB and is holding public meetings to address logging in the watersheds and the risks to our drinking water.
Please participate in the upcoming strategy meeting on Monday night at 7 pm. There will be a lot to talk about including the following two items in the agenda:
1. Finding Egmont residents who would like to form an Advisory Committee of the SCRD in order to hold meetings with Tsain-Ko Forestry Development Corporation reps. Members of this committee will meet on a regular basis and review all areas of proposed logging around Egmont.
2. If the SCRD fails us, and if Tsain-Ko starts road building and logging in our watersheds as planned for September 2007, WHAT SHOULD WE AS A COMMUNITY DO ABOUT THIS? Should we hold peaceful protests? Should we physically try to stop them? Should we blockade the road? What do you think?
Stay informed and help out!
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