Presentation to Planning and Development Committee
Sunshine Coast Regional District
Thursday June 21, 2007 Meeting
Agenda Item # 30 Tsain-Ko Logging in Egmont, B.C.
Presenter: Ruby Lake Landholders Association. represented by Catherine McEachern.
The Ruby Lake Landholders Association (RLA), is a society formed in 1979 to maintain the ecological nature of Ruby Lake and the surrounding area. It also deals with certain issues relevant to fire protection and safety. It now consists of over 70 members, comprising most of the residents on Ruby Lake, almost all of whom draw their water from Ruby Lake. As most of you are aware the Cove Cay waterworks also draws water from Ruby Lake to service the water needs of Earl’s Cove.
I have read the staff report accompanying this agenda Item #30 and want to address one of the most critical concerns of the Landholders Association: lack of proper notice and consultation. Neither Canfor in 2002, nor Tsain-Ko in 2007 have mentioned anywhere that the proposed logging is to take place in the Ruby Lake watershed. As the staff notes indicate, the maps were missing from the 2002 presentation so it is unlikely the effects on the Ruby Lake watershed were considered.
For this reason we cannot accept the staff conclusion: “ Tsain-Ko have carried out a public consultation…”. Canfor also did not appropriately describe the location of the cutblock in relation to Ruby Lake. The only reason Ruby Lake residents are now aware of the location of the proposed logging is by (my) walking the area and observing where the cut marks were in relation to the downslope. And now we are advised by Forestry Services that it has been previously approved and our comments are not relevant.
We are also receiving information that an Area A Water Management Plan is circulating which may involve Sakinaw and Ruby Lakes. The Ruby Lake Landholders Association formally requests the SCRD to provide not only notice but allow representation by the RLA in all such issues relevant to Ruby Lake.
The SCRD has implemented two significant zoning changes specifically to the Ruby Lake area in the name of protection of water quality: imposing a 30 metre setback from the water (which is not applicable to Sakinaw) and designating Ruby Lake RU5 – a Rural Watershed Protection Zone. Many argue that this “downzoning” has the potential to reduce property values by restricting use. Thus, it seems quite inexplicable that the SCRD is not monitoring road building and logging activity in the watershed that will commence within a month or two. I understand that the SCRD has requested and will review the updated operational plans and the RLA encourages the SCRD to formally monitor the situation Also, Ruby Lake is not a “designated community watershed” (DCW) and will not benefit from the SCRD’s earlier resolution opposing logging in a DCW. We have asked that the licensee agree to implement all the standards and protocols applicable to DCWs to their proposed road building and logging activities north of Ruby Lake and to reduce the cut areas occurring on the downslope.
Ruby Lake and the Egmont/Earl’sCove area is considered a picturesque gem on the Sunshine Coast and has recently experienced a surge in local and international visitors as witnessed by the growth in the Ruby Lake Resort and the Bed and Breakfasts established over the last few years. The majority of the cottages and homes on the lake are occupied by retirees and seasonal visitors who come to this area for the pristine scenery and wildlife habitat. In fact, tourism is the number one attraction to this area. Although no data has been supplied on this point, it is most unlikely that this upslope logging will be not be visible by canoers, kayakers and boaters on Ruby Lake. From an environmental perspective alone, surely this is a pristine area of deserving of consideration for protection.
The RLA asks that this Committee consider for adoption the following resolutions:
1. A formal request be forwarded to: Tsain-Ko, Terminal Forest Products and BC Timber sales asking that adequate prior notice (i.e. concurrent with the initial filing of a draft FSP) be provided to the SCRD, respecting any proposed logging within Electoral Area A.
2. Forestry licensees provide to SCRD staff (in a timely fashion and at least two months prior to logging commences) operational plans relevant to logging in watershed and lake or road- visible areas and that the SCRD monitor logging practices in watershed areas (include post-operational inspections) to adequately protect water quality.
3. This Committee confirms its prior resolution opposing logging in community watersheds.
4. The Ruby Lake Landholders Association be provided with notice and be given an opportunity to provide input and involvement of all matters affecting Ruby Lake, the Ruby Lake watershed and its contiguous lands.
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