Thursday, August 2, 2007

Protest Moving to SCRD Building

Protesters are taking their signs to the doors of the SCRD Thursday morning (Aug 2) at 11:30. According to the 'Concerned Citizens' group, the SCRD acting as a Board of Health has the power to issue a stop work order and if Western Forest Products does not comply then they could be fined 200 thousand dollars a day and/or up to a year in jail. As well, they group says it appears legally that the Health Board Directors are not liable even if any of their decisions are reversed. The group adds that they received this advice from a lawyer connected to a highly prestigious Canadian law firm and that this advice was reviewed by and agreed with by at least two other lawyers.

Protesters say they cannot understand why the SCRD in its role as a Board of Health has only issued a "request" to stop logging or why their lawyer has not given the Board the same advice. The group will demand the SCRD reconvene immediately and issue the stop work order. They are asking for as much support as possible from all residents of the coast.

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