Tuesday, August 14, 2007

B.C. Almanac to cover Watershed Issue

CBC's noon hour show, BC Almanac, will cover the watershed logging issue tomorrow (Wed) . Mark Forsythe's guest will be Andrew Gage, a lawyer with West Coast Environmental Law (WCEL). Gage has made logging in watersheds his specialty. The show will be accepting calls beginning at 1 pm. Here are the phone numbers:

Toll free: 1-800-825-5950
Lower Mainland: 604-669-3733

It has been a busy day for media coverage of our regional government's steps to halt logging in the Chapman Creek watershed using the Health Act. The latest Vancouver Sun story covered Western Forest Products attempts to make an application for a 'stay' of the Local Health Board order. We have heard from the Concerned Citizens for the Sunshine Coast that the application was denied by the judge and the request held over until next Tuesday or Wednesday when the application will be heard. Someone should take that judge out to lunch.

Earlier in the day, the Sun's Jonathan Woodward put together a good piece illustrating how the SCRD's action is resonating throughout the province. The Globe and Mail made an attempt to cover the issue; but, unfortunately they came up a bit short. No, Mr. Hume, the Chapman Creek Watershed does not service the whole Sunshine Coast. We, here in Egmont have our very own watershed that is threatened by logging. It's the Waugh Lake Watershed Reserve.

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